Hanyang University

IoT (Internet of Things) Laboratory

Student researchers at HYU IoT Lab, Dongha Kim, Byeong-gil Jun, and Wonseo Choi are visiting UC Berkeley this winter

January 19, 2023
UC Berkeley Visiting Students Winter 2023

Two graduate student researchers and one undergraduate student researcher at HYU IoT Lab are visiting Prof. Edward A. Lee's group at UC Berkeley this winter (2023) for research collaboration on Lingua Franca (LF). Dongha's visit is from Jan 20 to Feb 8, and he will be working on the security of LF. Byeong-gil's visit is from Feb 3 to 17, and his focus will be the federated execution of LF on the TS target. Wonseo's visit is from Feb 10 to 25, and he will work on mutations of LF reactors.

Hokeun Kim
Graduate student researchers at HYU IoT Lab, Yunsang Cho, Wonseo Choi, and Youri Su are visiting UC Berkeley this summer for four weeks

June 22, 2022
UC Berkeley Visiting Students Summer 2022

Three graduate student researchers at HYU IoT Lab are visiting Prof. Edward A. Lee's group at UC Berkeley this summer (2022) for research collaboration on Lingua Franca. Yunsang Cho and Wonseo Choi are visiting UC Berkeley from June 22 to July 20, and Youri Su is visiting from August 3 to August 31.

Hokeun Kim

Hokeun Kim (PI) is giving an in-person presentation, "Securing the Internet of Things," at UC Riverside ECE Colloquium, on April 25, 2022

Hokeun Kim